Monday, October 11, 2010

My Two Uncles

Title: My Two Uncles
Author: Judith Vigna
Genre: Controversial Children’s Literature
Age: Elementary
Rating: 5 stars

            I found this book to be a realistic and non-sugar-coated story about a girl who has 2 uncles (a gay couple).  The 3 characters build a diorama together for Ellie’s (the girl) Grandparent’s anniversary party.  Her grandpa, however, does not approve of his son’s lifestyle (dating a male) and refuses to allow his son’s partner to attend the party.  In the end, Ellie is explained the differing opinions about homosexuality by her father.  The grandpa is cordial with his son and son’s partner, but isn’t overly loving or unrealistically ecstatic of their decisions after a lifetime of disapproval.  I think that the story is good in that it is realistic.  It doesn’t have a cliché happy ending, but an ending where people are just beginning to overcome their differences- representative of how many people today are in a position where they are overcoming their biases as well.  I could understand why this could be considered controversial, as the opinions in the text expressed by Ellie’s father could differ from the readers’.  However, I would use this book for a lesson in my classroom, when teaching a lesson about diversity, differing opinions, and differences.

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