Monday, September 20, 2010

Tacky the Penguin

Title: Tacky the Penguin
Author: Helen Lester
Illustrator: Lynn Munsinger
Genre: Children’s Picture Book
Age Group: Lower Elementary
Rating: 5 stars

            Being a childhood favorite, I was immediately drawn to this book at the public library.  Tacky the Penguin is about an odd penguin, who does everything differently from his penguin friends.  He does cannon balls instead of diving gracefully, he sings loudly and off key, and he marches to a different beat.  When hunters come along, the other penguins run and hide, and Tacky scares them off with his singing and odd behavior.  In the end, the other penguins realize they love Tacky for his differences, and his oddness is really a good thing!
            I think this book is perfect for children of young ages, because it sends the message that being different is a good thing.  For this reason, I would definitely read this aloud in my future classroom.  The book is not gender biased, and is not particular to one specific “type” of person, thus being a great book to read aloud in a group setting.  The illustrations are goofy and colorful sketches that add emotion and detail to the text.  All in all, I find this to be a great read that is truly applicable in a classroom setting.

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